I paid with a voucher
I paid with a voucher
If you have returned some items from an order made with a voucher, it will not be automatically credited back. Vouchers are typically created for one-time use.
📩 We encourage you to contact directly the brand from which you placed your order by visiting their website to inquire whether a new voucher can be issued to you - please note, this is not automatic.
❌ The Elyn chat (bottom right) is solely dedicated to technical issues related to the return interface: we do not handle additional requests."
I paid with a giftcard
I paid with a giftcard
If you used credit from a gift card to make your purchase, it will be automatically refunded if you initiate a return.
You should receive a refund confirmation email and will then be able to use it again for new purchases.
📩 Unsure? Haven't received a refund email yet?
We encourage you to contact directly the brand from which you placed your order by visiting their website.
❌ The Elyn chat (bottom right) is solely dedicated to technical issues related to the return interface: we do not handle additional requests."